Hi there! Enjoy your holidays and try to practise your English speaking skills with the tourists in Barcelona. Have a great summer! Gaudiu de les vacances i intenteu practicar la vostra expressió oral en anglès amb els/les turistes de Barcelona. Disfruteu de l'estiu!
IES Rubió i Ors - Batxillerat 1 -
18. Congratulations, Sherjan!
Hi everybody! Sherjan participated in the literary contest "Amics de la Unesco" and he was one of the winners. His text is titled Europe Should Spring Its Wings, and it is about the Syrian refugees. Congratulations! Click on the pic for more info:
17. Answers Chapters 1-2 ("A Foreigner...")
Hi there! Please, check your own answers. Then, watch this video to find out about the United Kingdom and write about the UK aspects they mention. Hola! Si us plau, comproveu les vostres respostes sobre el llibre de lectura. Després mireu aquest vídeo per descobrir coses sobre el Regne Unit i escriviu sobre alguns dels aspectes que mencionen.
16. Happy New Year!
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May all your dreams and wishes come true! What do you wish for 2016? Us desitjo un Bon Nadal i un Feliç Any Nou! Que els vostres somnis i desitjos es facin realitat! Què desitgeu pel 2016?
15. Christmas shopping
Hi there! Watch this video to see how a shop is getting ready for Christmas. What do you understand? Where do you usually go shopping? Any favourite shops? Hola! Mireu aquest vídeo per veure com es prepara una botiga per Nadal. Què enteneu? On aneu normalment a comprar? Teniu alguna botiga favorita?
this video to see how a shop is getting ready for Christmas. - See more
this video to see how a shop is getting ready for Christmas. - See more
14. Multicultural Britain
Hi everyone! There is a school in Cardiff (Wales) where more than twenty languages are spoken. That's a truly multicultural school! Watch the video and write what you understand. Also, answer the question: what do you think about multiculturalism? Does it bring opportunities or conflicts? Hi ha una escola a Cardiff (Gal·les) on es parlen més de 20 llengües. És realment una escola multicultural! Mireu el vídeo i escriviu què heu entès. També, contesteu la pregunta: què penses del multiculturalisme? Creus que porta oportunitats o conflictes?
a school in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, where more than twenty
languages are spoken. That's a truly multicultural school! - See more
a school in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, where more than twenty
languages are spoken. That's a truly multicultural school! - See more
a school in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, where more than twenty
languages are spoken. That's a truly multicultural school! - See more
a school in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, where more than twenty
languages are spoken. That's a truly multicultural school! - See more
13. Answers: "William Wilson", by E.A.Poe
Hey dear students! Check your own answers about the tale "William Wilson." Remember that the exam about Edgar Allan Poe is this Friday. Ei! Comproveu les vostres respostes del conte "William Wilson". Recordeu que l'examen d'Edgar Allan Poe i el seu llibre d'històries és aquest divendres.
12. Stop Violence Against Women
Hello everyone! This Wednesday, November 25, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. I ask you to watch this video and post a comment saying something you understood from it. Also, answer the questions: Is gender violence present in your society? What do you think about it? Hola! Aquest dimecres dia 25 de novembre és el Dia Internacional Contra la Violència Envers les Dones. Mireu aquest vídeo i escriviu un comentari sobre alguna cosa que heu entès. També, contesteu les preguntes: hi ha violència de gènere a la teva societat? Què en penses sobre aquest problema?
11. Answers: "The Masque of the Red Death" by E.A.Poe
Hi there! Check your own answers about the tale "The Masque of the Red Death." What's your favourite Poe's
story so far? Comproveu les vostres respostes sobre el conte "The Masque of the Red Death". Quin conte de Poe us ha agradat més fins ara?
10. The Fonix: School English Competition
Hi there! I'm looking for candidates for this English competition! If you think that your level of English is quite good and you are interested in participating, just let me know and tell me the reasons. Also, although your level of English may be low you can suggest candidates and say why you think this student would be a good candidate. Hola! Busco gent candidata per participar en aquest concurs d'anglès. Si penses que el teu nivell d'anglès és força bo i tens interès a participar, fes-m'ho saber i explica'm les raons. També, encara que el teu nivell d'anglès sigui baix pots suggerir candidats/es i dir per què penses que aquesta persona seria un/a bon/a candidat/a.
Click here for more information about the competition:
9. BBC News: Halloween.
Hi everybody! Watch this video to find out what people do to celebrate Halloween in different countries. Then, post a comment about something you understand in the video and answer the questions: Do you celebrate Halloween? Why/Why not? What do you do? Hola a tothom! Mireu aquest vídeo per descobrir com es celebra Halloween a diferents països. Després poseu un comentari sobre alguna cosa que heu entès o vist al vídeo i contesteu les preguntes: Tu celebres Halloween? Per què/ Per què no? Què fas?
8. Answers: "The Black Cat" by E.A.Poe
Hi there! Check your own answers about the tale "The Black Cat". By the way, did you like this story? Comproveu les vostres respostes sobre el conte "The Black Cat". Heu de tenir tot correcte per tal d'estudiar-lo bé per l'examen d'E.A.Poe que farem al desembre. Per cert, us ha agradat aquesta història?
7. Answers: "The Fall of The House of Usher" by E.A.Poe
Hello everyone! Please, check your own answers. If you click on "comments" you wil read the most suitable answers for the exercises. You have written yours in different ways so some of your answers will not be exactly as the ones here. The important thing is that you get the same idea, so check if you got the right idea. By the way, did you like the story? Hola a tothom! Si us plau, corregiu les vostres respostes. Si cliqueu a "comentaris" llegireu les respostes més adients. Cadascú les heu escrit de forma diferent i us heu expressat de formes diverses. No cal que les respostes les tingueu exactes, però heu de comprovar que heu agafat la idea correcta i heu explicat el mateix encara que sigui de formes diferents. Per cert, us ha agradat aquesta història?
6. The Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
Hi there! This Thursday you are going to the Victoria Theatre in Barcelona to watch the play Mar i Cel. Watch this video about the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London and post a comment where you compare both theatres. Also, write about anything you find interesting or you understand from the video. Hola! Aquest dijous aneu al teatre Victòria de Barcelona a veure l'obra Mar i Cel. Mireu aquest vídeo sobre el Shakespeare's Globe Theatre de Londres i escriviu un comentari comparant els dos teatres. També, escriviu sobre qualsevol cosa que trobeu interessant o entengueu del vídeo.
5. Video: Ice cream!
Do you like ice cream? In this
video Joe shows you how ice cream is made and why most of people love
it. Watch it and post a comment about something you understand. If you
don't understand very much, you can talk about what you see. You can
also do the comprehension activities in blue that you will find under
the video. Us agrada el gelat? En aquest video el Joe us mostra com es fa el gelat i per què
a la majoria de la gent li encanta. Mireu-lo i comenteu sobre algun
aspecte que heu entès. Si no enteneu massa, podeu parlar del que veieu.
També podeu fer les activitats en blau que trobareu sota del video.
4. Video: Boarding Schools in the UK.
This video shows how students work in UK boarding schools. Watch it and post a comment about something you understand. If you don't understand very much, you can talk about what you see in the video. (Please, try not to repeat the same ideas as your classmates.) You can also do the comprehension activities in blue that you will find under the video. Aquest video mostra com treballa l'alumnat dels internats de Regne Unit. Mireu-lo i comenteu sobre algun aspecte que heu entès. Si no enteneu massa, podeu parlar del que veieu al video. (Intenteu no repetir el mateix que altres persones). També podeu fer les activitats en blau que trobareu sota del video.
3. "The Fall of the House of Usher" (by E.A.Poe)
Hi there! You can watch this trailer about the story you must read in the following days in order to know what it is about. Do you like reading horror and fantasy novels? Which books have you read recently? (Remember! Deadline: 13th October) Hola! Podeu mirar aquest tràiler sobre la història que heu de llegir per tenir una idea sobre què tracta. Us agraden les novel·les de por i fantasia? Quins llibres has llegit recentment? (Recordeu! Data límit per entregar les activitats sobre aquesta història: 13 d'octubre)
2. Our favourite English music
Good morning! Please let me know your favourite
English singers or bands. Maybe we listen to some of their songs during
the school year and we will learn some of the vocabulary they contain.
Apart from this, write some information about the singer/band.
Bon dia! Si us plau digueu-me quins són els/les vostres cantants o
grups favorits. Potser escoltarem algunes de les seves cançons durant el curs i
aprendrem part del vocabulari que contenen. Apart d'això, escriviu alguna
informació sobre el/la cantant o grup.
1. Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
Welcome to a new school year! I've got good news: we've got a new blog for your English lessons!
I will post on-line activities for you to do at home. Let's start
introducing ourselves, ok? Click on "comments" and write
some lines about you. Hola
a tothom! Us dono la benvinguda al nou curs! Tinc bones notícies: tenim
un bloc per les classes d'anglès! Posaré activitats perquè les
pugueu fer a casa i practiqueu. Començarem presentant-nos. Cliqueu a
"comments" i escriviu sobre vosaltres (no us heu de crear cap compte!!) 
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